Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hi, I'm Captain Basch From .... Where ?

Those guys from Mega64 gift the world another classic clip.  As an intense fan of Final Fantasy, I found this video particularly entertaining.  I hope it brightens your dreary Tuesday like it has mine.


Linz said...

I want oh-so-very-badly to be in these guys videos. Do you think they need a chubby pregnant chick for anything? Has there ever even been a pregnant video game character??

BluWolve said...
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BluWolve said...

http://kotaku.com/5149307/knocked-up-a-look-at-pregnancy-in-video-games Take a read of that Linz

Linz said...

Man -- These "pregnancy experts" are total buzzkills. First off, if a video game is the only exposure a kid gets to pregnancy until they grow up and get knocked up on their own, that is pathetic. Secondly, pregnancy is not fun. It would not be fun if it was a more integral part of the game. "Achievement unlocked: You slept 12 hours straight because of the tiny parasite inside of you!" "Achievement unlocked: Projectile Vomited over 5 feet!"